Well it’s been a while since I’ve last posted anything, lots of work at my job as Information Security Officer in a bank, almost no spare time due to changes at work, but as I say ‘Planets are aligning’ and a new job opportunity just crossed my way and took it!!!
Anyway let’s get back onto turntables. A few months ago I got a call from Mike Nunez from Audio Degenerate regarding a customer’s turntable, a Marantz TT-15, which tonearm somehow got smacked by who knows what and the cartridge suffered serious damage as you can see in the picture:
The cartridge metal body somehow got separated from the upper plastic body and the stylus was totally wrecked. The cartridge is a Clearaudio Concept moving magnet so I proceeded to remove it from the tonearm and re-glue the metal engine to the upper body. Regarding the stylus, Clearaudio’s position is that it cannot be repaired/replaced, but on the contrary, it can be replaced with careful hands and a little surgery using an Audio Technica AT95 family replacement stylus.
Here’s the completed job:
Tested it, adjusted tonearm height and cueing device and it was back up and running as before the incident.